Beginner Guide To Write SEO Optimised Content In WordPress By Using Yoast Plugin

seo optimised content

Many bloggers use a lot of tricks to writing an SEO optimised content. They chunk the google Ranking algorithm to achieve higher and higher position in the search result. But in 2012, Google update a Panda And Penguin.

seo optimised content startegy
Right way to optimize content in WordPress

These are the two biggest change in the google history. All the website that are using a trick to achieve higher rank in google is hit by panda and penguin penalty. Not even those, who are using a trick to rank higher, another website also hit by Penguin because by mistake they are doing the same thing.

Today we will learn how to write SEO optimised content in the WordPress So that we did not do any mistake. We’ll  also be talking about how you can write content that will help you rank and make valuable connections that’ll take your business to the next level.

Here is a list of some important point cover in this article are,

seo optimised content strategy
seo optimised content
  1. Keyword (Focus Keyword);
  2. Good Tittle or Social Headlines;
  3. Include the keyword in the URL;
  4. The body of the Post;
  5. Add image;
  6. Use H2 subheading;
  7. Internal And External link;
  8. Meta Description;
  9. Author Name and Bio;
  10. Beautify the text and mobile friendly.

I’m using Yoast SEO plugin to check, is it my content is SEO optimize or not. If you follow the above rule, you can also green all the signal (yoast SEO Plugin) of your post.For sake of explanation here, I’m taking an example of my old post ”

For sake of explanation here, I’m taking an example of my old post “Ping list service“. See the below screenshot how I make my content fully SEO optimize.

green all light in yoast seo
Screenshot of older post

Write SEO Optimised Content In WordPress

All the important point will be studied in this article one by one, So first we study the focus keyword which is called the heart of the article.

1. Keyword Phrase or Focus Keyword

We all know google can not read content like a human eye. They need help to understand the content. So here, Focus keyword come in action.

The First part of the SEO optimised content is select Low competitionLow bid and High Search Volume (more people searching that keyword) keyword for an article. Without good quality keyword, your post will never rank in the Google search Result.

key attached with a words

Ranking for terms with high search volumes can be tough, especially if your website is new. This is where long-tail keywords come to the rescue.

By refining your keywords, you can minimize your competition drastically, as well as boost traffic and conversions. Take a time to find long tail keyword and make a post based upon that keyword. You can use google Adwords keyword planner tool to check the competition on the keyword.

Second is google give more importance to the first 56 character of the Tittle. So placing the keyword in the beginning of the title take some advantage in google algorithm.


  • Keyword must be placed at the beginning of the title for the better result.
  • The keyword has low competition, Low bid and high search if possible.
  • The keyword should be the combination of 3 words i.e Head, Body, Tail.

2. Good Title or Social Headlines

The best way to get a lot of traffic through social media is to write Social Headlines. Always keep this in mind that, people are on social media for interesting, unique, entertaining content. They don’t want to read something they’ve read before. They want to read something that gives them that “A HA!” moment.

Good title Can Increase traffic
Good title Can Increase traffic

Whenevery you pluginish or update the old content, share it on social medica. The social networks have grown strong over the last decade, and they prove to be staying around for quite some time longer.

Like, share and comment on content give the signal to google is content is relevant and good for the user. Engage more Audience with content on the social network can increase your page Rank.


  • The title should contain Focus keyword and aim for 8-12 words.
  • Many bloggers say the length of the article should be 60 characters maximum. That’s true but, it is not compulsory to make the length of the Title 60 characters, You can write 50 or 70+ but when someone searches your article, only first 60 characters shown in the search result.
Google search Result show only first 50 charater
Google search Result
  • Keyword must be placed at the begging of the title. This increases the searchability of the content. This is called SEO on page Optimisation Technique.
Keyword at the beginning
Keyword at the beginning

3. Include The keyword In the URL

URL is not important for the user but it is most important for the search engine to finds your article or post.

Most content management systems (e.g. WordPress) allow you edit the URL of your posts. If you don’t know the importance of the SEO friendly URL, I recommended you to read SEO friendly article for better understanding of URL.

Edit the URL
Edit the URL
  • Your permalink structure should be optimized for search engine.
  • Your URL should contain your focus Keyword.
  • URL does not contain any symbols

4. Body Of The Post

The body of the post or page must be divided into the 3 main part. First, is Begging of the post, the second Middle of the post and last is End of the post. Identify these part and place the keyword in it, to make SEO optimised content.

Begging of the Post

When Google bots crawling a web page, it tries to find the keywords. Your job is to help them by mentioning your keywords in the first paragraph of your page. You have to place your keyword in the first paragraph of the article before the tag line or you should have to place the keyword between 50 to 100 words of the first paragraph.

Read More Tag in wordpress content editor
Read More Tag


The tagline is important for every post to show only little part of your post on Homepage. This way you can also reduce the size of the homepage and decrease the loading time also.

Middle of the Post

Don’t forget about the middle body of the post. You should give attention to the title and description of your post but you should also consider adding your keywords naturally in the body of the page as well.

End of the Post

Place keyword at the end of the article so that the Keyword Density will be good and also place some older post at the bottom to decrease the Bounce Rate. It not compulsory to add the older post at the end of the article.

Keyword at the end of the article
Keyword at the end of the article

5. Add Image

Images are good for the user as they make the content less tiring and easier to read. They are also good for search engines since they are an additional way for them to understand more about a given page.

engage audience
engage audience

Place the image after 50 or 100 words to Attract The Visitor and force him to read the article.

There is no hard and fast rule to place the image after exact 50 or 100 words. You can place image according to your choice but I personally recommended you to place an image after 40 to 50 words.

Google announced that you have only 3 seconds to attract the visitor. Seeing that articles with photos, infographics, and other visuals get up to 94% more views. They also hold some weight in terms of search engine optimization – if you optimize them correctly.


  • Reduce the size of image before upload;
  • Make image fully optimize and delete unnecessary image from post;
  • At least one image contain your focus keyword.

6. Use H2 Subheading

Subheading also plays an important role in the seo optimised content and also good practices for SEO purpose. Use focus keyword and place in the subheading of the article in H2 because google crawler gives more attention to H2 heading. So it is good to write the keyword in H2. You can also use H2, H3, H4 and H5 heading so that visitor can easily find, what they want in your topic they.

Keyworsd In h2 Heeading in content
Keywords In h2 Heading

7. Internal and External link

Anchor text is the term for embedding a link into a word or phrase on a page, instead of just using the URL.

poles links to each other
Internal Link

Example Check out this great article on the “sell your service and product“.

In the above example, I embedded the link into the text “sell your service and product”

This is better than simply linking the phrase click here =


  • When creating anchor texts, it is important to offer exact matches. Moz recommends that 17% of your anchor texts be brand names.
  • Do not over-optimize your content with anchor links to avoid being penalized by Google. You should make sure your links are relevant, useful, and of course, reliable.
  • Do not place two links continuously, Make at least 7 mm a space between two links according to Google Guide Line.
  • Don’t hide affiliate link or another link. It generates the negative point.

This is fantastic for spreading the authority of your website to other pages and also works wonders for the user experience. There are two types of link;

External links: – Those links that are going outside from your site is called external link. Read what is backlink, this help you to understand the external link and how link can increase your website authority

Internal Links: – I am a big fan of Internal links. I always advise my clients to use Internal linking to pass authority of one page to another page. I have written an article on Internal Linking you can read here.

8. Edit Snippet

The snippet is the second main part of the post. Here we write information which is most important for the search engine.

edit snippet in yoast
Edit snippet of WordPress

This information read by both crawler and user for understanding what the article or post actually about it. So it is very important to write reliable information for both Crawler and user.

The snippet is divided into 3 boxes. First is SEO Title, Second Slug, and Third Meta description Box.

SEO Title: –  Copy and past the title of the article or post in the SEO title box and this box help you to count the number of word or length of the Tittle for SEO purpose. You can also write another title for search engine but it creates a negative point.

Slug: – Slug must have contained your focus keyword because this decides the URL of your post. So it is important for user and search engine.

Meta Descriptions: – Meta description is important to attract the visitor and good for SEO purpose. A lot of us ignore them because they take the time to write. They directly affect how much traffic a web page receives from a given search result.

If you fully fill this 3 box with a right way then your SEO optimised content rate automatically boost.


  • Place focus keyword in the meta description so that it generate plus point for your post and google can easily understand your post.
  • Also, place the keyword in Slug and SEO Title box also.

Yoast plugin introduces the new feature called “Readability“. You can also learn about the yoast readability in my next article.

9. Author Name and Bio

The author is good for data Structure markup and HTML Improvement. They provide additional important information about the author and generate plus point for page rank.

about author and his bio

The web is no longer anonymous, this means that when publishing content on a web page you also need to show details about the author. This is especially true for topics that are sensitive to health related topics, financial etc but in general showing the author information makes a page trusted and consider it seo optimised content. Check out my previous post where I mention a lot of Plugin for WordPress to make WordPress easier and SEO friendly.

10. Beautify The Text and Mobile Friendly

It is important when preparing your page to give some attention to detail and make it easier for users to scan through the text to find what they want. Make the page look good by adding bold, italics, images, small paragraphs, and headings.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, and user can easily read your content on the mobile devices. SEO friendly website directly impacts on the SEO optimised content and boost your post rank.

Some Other Important Point

Length: – There is little bit confusion about the length of the article,  but the evidence has shown that the longer the content, the more likely Google is to rank it on the first page. So length is a strength.

Average content length
Length is Strength

If what you have to say can be done in 400 words, 1000 words, or even 1400 words, that is fine. The idea is to write the content with quality in mind.

Write Evergreen Content: – Evergreen simply means that stays fresh for a long time, or perhaps forever without ever going out of date. This type of content is not necessary to stay alive in the 2016 world of content, but it will help you by avoiding the need to constantly remove, update or refresh your content.

Ever Green SEO content
Ever Green SEO Content

Google offers a freshness score to your content, so if you do not write evergreen content, you need to understand its life cycle, and either update it or remove it before it goes stale and drops your ranking.

In order to increase your chances of getting a better position in the SERPS, you need to make sure that your page is better than the rest of another page on the website. You need to convince them that what you have on your website is more beneficial to the searcher than what there is already available on the internet.

Recommended Post


Content is a king of your website. If you have a good and SEO optimised content in your website you can easily achieve your goal. So here is a quick summary to over check is your content is SEO optimized or not.

  1. Select good quality focus keyword
  2. Check keyword must be in Title and Try to place at the beginning of the article.
  3. Make sure your URL is friendly for Search engine and For user.
  4. Reduce the size of the page before uploading and optimized it.
  5. Make 2 to 3 external links and link your new post to old post to pass authority and traffic.
  6. Keep it fresh and Write as if you were talking to your readers.

So this is a brief guide for the new blogger to write an SEO optimised content in WordPress for the better search result.

Remember to share this post with anyone who might benefit from this information, including your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and members of your Google+ group! And also Support Us By Liking Our FacebookTwitter, and Google+ Page.

If you have any suggestion or problem about SEO optimised content please feel free to comment below.

Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.