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Updated WordPress Ping List For Faster Indexing Of Site

wordpress ping list wallpaper

As we all know it’s very important to keep our blog Up-To-Date to drive more visitors and traffic. That is TURE!!!! But what happens, if your Updated Post is not in the Search engine Index at the Right time. 

WordPress Ping List
WordPress Ping List

Suppose You are the owner of the “Dialyupdate Blog”.

Your write a post “ABC University 2018 Examination Result out” and Update it. You know 80% student open the University website to the result out date.

If your post is not in the Search Engine Index, That means you lose all the traffic of the day Because Google doesn’t know about your post. And on the second day, you will get only 20% traffic.

In short,

Post Indexed by the search engine at right time is important than Writing Frequently content.

But the Question is, How you can get faster indexed by all Search Engine.

The clear Cut Answer is WordPress Ping list Services. 

If you want to know about WordPress Ping List, then you should be aware of “WordPress Update Services”, which are tools that let other search engines know that have updated your blog.

In the article, we will learn the following things,

  1. What is WordPress Ping List?
  2. How we can add ping list in the WordPress and
  3. How we can get faster indexed by search engine,

Along with it, We also check, how too much ping can hurt our website and some Paid “Ping List services” ( WordPress update services ) for faster indexing.

So let start

What is Ping?

Ping is a way of telling the search engines and some other major website, blogs etc that you have published new blog posts or updated any Old Post on your blog. This will attract search engine and bots to crawl your blog right away.

Ping is an XML-RPC (Remote Procedure Call) based push mechanism Pinging is a good practice to extend your reach to major search engines.

What Is WordPress Ping List?

A WordPress ping list is a list of Web Directories or Servers. WordPress informs these web directories or servers whenever you publish a new post, Update your old content, update your WordPress blog or website.

In the above lines, I just informed theoretically how it works,


WordPress creates an  XML-RPC ping each time whenever you create a post or update your site. It sends the ping to all ping service that you have listed on your WordPress ping list box.

Best WordPress Ping List Of 2024

My list is a compilation of the XML-RPC Ping Services from WordPress.org, Vladimir’s Ping List, the founder of ManageWP, From Scraper Box and some other useful sources.

There is a tow method to use ping list, Manually ping all search engine one by one or just copy the below WordPress ping list of 2018 and paste it in WordPress as explain below to automatically ping.

WordPress Ping List of 2024

Don’t forget to Download Newly Updated WordPress Ping List of 2018. We also update this list after every two Month.

How To Add “WordPress Ping List” To WordPress

Updating ping list is one of the essential settings to configure after installing WordPress. By default, WordPress notifies some major ping services, but you can extend the list by adding some more ping service.

Login your WordPress as an admin and Open your WordPress Dashboard Area.

  • On your Left Navigation bar, Click on Settings>>Writing.
addd new ping list in wordpress box
added new ping list
  • Copy the above “WordPress Ping list of 2024” and Replace the default ping list with the new one.
  • After that click on Save the Change

So, in this way you can update your ping list.


  • WordPress Ping list changes or Update time to time, so be active with ping service and
  • Enter only one ping service per line in the WordPress ping Box.

Is it Ping Can Hurt My Blog?

As I’ve mentioned, WordPress will automatically ping your blog every time you publish a post or edit a post, this is a good thing. But it can hurt you!!! If you edit posts a lot, especially within a short period of time.

Some people obsess over the smallest of errors or layout issues on their site, causing them to constantly edit their posts or page.

With each edit, WordPress sends a ping to the update services. Excessive pinging like this can get your site banned from the update services for being a spammer.

What I do? If I have to change my content frequently within a short period of time.

Don’t worry there is a plugin called WordPress ping optimizer to control the activity of the WordPress ping list ( WordPress update services ).

Wordpress ping Optimizer Plugin activate
WordPress ping Optimizer Plugin

Install this plugin and activate it.

First, Install and activate WordPress Ping Optimizer Plugin.

  • Now, click on WordPress Ping optimizer under Settings Tab.
Wordpress ping optimizer plugin setting page
setting page

See in the screenshot, My all unnecessary ping is Not Pinged Excepted my new post.

You can also use “Ping Now” feature to ping whenever you want.

How Often Should you Ping your Blog

  1. Ping your blog only when it’s updated;
  2. Never ping your blog when it’s not updated;
  3. Never do over ping. It’s a penalty;
  4. Use plug-ins to avoid over pinging;
  5. WordPress ping list or Pinging sites never boost your ranking. It just for indexing.

Is there any Negative effect of Pinging too much?

What will happen if you ask the same question to one of your friends again and again in a single day? Obviously, he/she will get annoyed by you.

In the same way, it’s good to avoid pinging the same URL over and over within a short period of time.

Online Ping List Services Tool

Today some companies like NEWS, EVENTS website etc use paid service to get faster indexed by the search engine to get instant traffic.

I’m not usually recommended to use Paid Ping Service Online, but if you have a Good budget for your website then go with it fast indexing and fresh traffic.

Note: Don’t forget to think about, Is it paid services is important for your Blog/Business.

Here is a list of the Online Ping service Tool are,

  • Pingler
  • Ping-O-Matic
  • PingMyBlog
  • Feed Shark

Note: – Don’t ping a single URL with 10 ping tools or 10 times with the same ping tool. I recommend to ping an URL only once with a single ping tool and use up to 1 or 2 ping tools.

So, this is the brief introduction to WordPress ping List services and Online tools.

How To get Faster Indexed by Google

Form my experience with google webmaster tool, I can tell you a trick how I add my post to google search engine within 2 hr.

But before doing this, you have to verify your site in Google Webmaster Tool and submit your XML site to Google. Use Fetch as Google Option to get Faster Indexed by Google.

Now you can take the advantage of Fetch as Google Option to get Faster Indexed by Google.

  • Open your Google Webmaster Tool and click on Fetch as Google.
  • Now click on Crawl >> Fetch as Google Option.
fetch as google in GWT in google webmaster tool
fetch as google
  • Enter the URL of the page and
  • Hit the Fetch Button to send the request.
request indexing by fetch as google in Google webmaster tool
Request Indexing By Fetch As Fetch

When you click on Fetch you will see a two option.

  • Crawl this URL only (limit 500 per month)
  • Crawl this URL and its direct link (limit 10 per month)
Submit URL in the webmaster Tool
Submit URL

Select as per you need and click on GO.

This will tell Google, you update or add a new post on your website and chance getting indexed by Google faster is an increase.

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WordPress ping list is very useful to extend your blog reach to major search engines. Whenever you publish, edit or modify a post, WordPress sends a ping to all the Ping service which is listed under your ping update service. You are easily indexed by the all major search engine.

Remember to share this post with anyone who might benefit from this information, including your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and members of your Google+ group!

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If you have any suggestion or problem about WordPress ping list please feel free to comment below.

Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.