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What are the most essential equipment for a soldier

Night vision devices

The modern army is very different from the army that could be seen only 5-10 years ago. It is constantly being improved, thereby becoming better every year. Along with it, the equipment and equipment of soldiers who have chosen the profession of a military man are being modernized. Each used item is a mandatory attribute that the army always carry with them and use to perform a variety of combat missions.

Modern soldier equipment and gear

Any soldier should be able to cope with difficulties and perform the assigned tasks with high quality. To do this, he will definitely need modern equipment and equipment that the enemy does not have. With their help, it will be possible to gain a noticeable advantage over the enemy and achieve the goal faster.

Modern gear and equipment:

  1. This item of equipment is one of the most important for a soldier. Without high-quality and properly selected shoes, it will be impossible to walk or run tens of kilometers, as well as perform various combat missions. The shoes used should be made of natural materials that have good breathability and do not cause an allergic reaction. Also, this piece of equipment always has a durable sole that does not wear out over a long period. An additional advantage for military shoes will be the presence of a moisture-proof coating, thanks to which walking will become available in rainy or snowy weather. Shoes for the cold season should be equipped with insulation. It will not let your feet freeze, which will minimize the risk of developing colds.
  2. Soldiers have clothes for every season. Depending on the temperature conditions, it can be insulated and well breathable. In all cases, clothing is as light as possible and is selected exactly in accordance with the parameters of the soldier’s body. In addition, it is also made of materials of natural origin, to which the soldier is not allergic. Important elements are also gloves and hats. The former protect hands from various minor injuries (for example, abrasions, scratches, etc.) and make the shooting process more comfortable. At the same time, hats protect against the negative effects of sunlight and reduce discomfort during various precipitations.
  3. Weapons and ammunition. Even a very well-trained soldier will not be able to perform the assigned combat missions without modern weapons. It enters service in huge batches and is regularly updated. Depending on the mission being carried out, one or another type of weapon is selected. Therefore, all military personnel are fluent in each of them. Special attention is paid to the choice of ammunition. They must exactly match the type of weapon used and be prepared for use. Most often, ammunition is issued to soldiers with a large supply. This makes it possible to perform reloading right at the place of warfare.
  4. Means of communication. It is impossible to imagine a modern army without the latest means of communication. These devices often operate on the principle of radio systems, allowing military personnel to constantly maintain contact with the command and individual units that help to complete the task. Also, some of the most modern means of communication make it possible to transmit images directly from the battlefield and receive maps indicating the coordinates of various enemy strategic objects. In addition, GPS devices are also among the means of communication. They make it possible to track the location of soldiers in real time via satellite and remotely monitor the progress of a combat operation.
  5. First aid kit. Performing various missions, soldiers daily risk their own lives and health. Anything can happen on the battlefield, so every soldier needs to be able to provide first aid to himself and his comrade. To do this, a first-aid kit must be in the soldier’s backpack. Its configuration often depends on the location of the combat operation, its features and the degree of danger. The standard set always includes dressing material (mainly a bandage), means and devices for quickly stopping bleeding, antiseptic drugs, various medicines (depending on the individual needs of the soldier’s body), as well as means for carrying out the breathing recovery procedure.
  6. Water and food. During training and when performing combat missions, military personnel lose a lot of energy. To replenish its reserves, they need high-quality nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals. In this regard, each soldier has with him food that is easily stored, does not require cooking, remains usable for a long period, and is also high-calorie and easily digestible. Such a diet allows people to stay in good shape and not have problems with the digestive system. Quenching thirst is also a priority task for any soldier. To do this, they take with them a sufficient amount of water, as well as special means for cleaning the liquid extracted from rivers, lakes and other bodies of water with their own hands.
  7. Body armor. Soldiers can perform simple command assignments, as well as combat missions that risk their lives. In the second case, a bulletproof vest will definitely be part of the equipment of a soldier. Its presence will reduce the likelihood of getting injured in the torso area and will enable the army team to feel more confident. To accomplish the tasks, the most durable bulletproof vests are used, which have a minimum weight. This combination ensures the safety of the soldier and does not reduce his mobility when moving around the surrounding area.
  8. Night vision devices. These modern optical devices are a real savior for military personnel performing the tasks of patrolling the territory and conducting combat operations in the dark. With their help, it is possible to see enemy soldiers in the dark and gain a huge advantage over them. Most often, soldiers use modern models of night vision goggles. They are simpler and more convenient to use than any other optics. With their help, you can leave your hands free and do a lot of useful work with them (for example, prepare weapons for firing). Also popular are binoculars and night vision monoculars. They are used to study the current situation on the battlefield, and are also used while patrolling the area around a field camp or military unit. For the most complex tasks, NV devices are also used, supplemented by a thermal imager. It allows you to see a thermal image and detect the location of enemy soldiers on it.
  9. Protective helmet. In the presence of body armor, the most vulnerable part of the soldier’s body is the head. To protect it from splinters and other similar objects, special army helmets are used. They are made of durable, but light enough materials that are not afraid of exposure to moisture and other environmental factors. Most modern helmets are practically not felt on the head. This eliminates the appearance of any discomfort during the execution of tasks. In addition, a soldier’s helmet also serves as a base for installing additional devices (for example, cameras, GPS sensors, night vision devices, etc.) that help not only military personnel, but also their commanders. The latter, using such gadgets, collect useful information and track the location of the soldier.
  10. Roomy backpack. To carry many useful items with you, a soldier needs a backpack. It should be roomy, compact and light at the same time. Only in this case, he will not interfere with the soldier’s movement and perform various military operations. An additional advantage will be the presence of a large number of small pockets where you can put a lot of essentials. The latter will definitely come in handy for a soldier, and in some cases even help save his life.

Soldiers in the modern army are more like robots than people. These brave and well-trained people skillfully use their skills and abilities in the most extreme conditions and provide security for millions of citizens of their country. However, for all this, the military needs special equipment and modern equipment. They will help to cope with tasks of varying degrees of complexity, ranging from simple training and ending with the conduct of hostilities.

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