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Improve WordPress Speed And Google Website Speed Test To Check The Website Speed

improve WordPress speed

In 2010, Google confirmed that site speed is one of over 200 indicators that impacts search rankings so improve WordPress speed is essentially. Their data shows that when pages load slowly, people spend less time. Yet most of us put little focus into making our websites faster.

increase the sped of wordpress
Performance Improvement

If your load time is more than 3 seconds or your page size is over 2MB, that can be a big problem that’s costing you money, both in lost sales and server fees. There are many free online tools such as , GTmetrix, Google PageSpeed Insights and Pingdom that can help you identify issues that cause slow loading times and bad user experience for your site. Here’s how to take charge of your website’s performance and Improve WordPress Speed. (creditcadabra.com)

  1. Optimize Image.
  2. Optimize your home page.
  3. Take care of your Page size.
  4. Add Lazy Load to Your Image.
  5. Use an effective Caching Plugin.
  6. Use Text Advertisements.
  7. Optimize your WordPress database.
  8. Control the amount of post revisions stored.
  9. Automatically Empty the Trash.
  10. Identify plugin that are slowing you down.
  11. Turn off pingbacks and trackbacks.
  12. Use a Good Theme.
  13. Limit Plugin Usage.
  14. Host Video Externally.

How To Improve WordPress Speed To Get Easily Rank In Google

1. Optimize Images

Images are the main culprit for slowing a website. Always optimize your images (especially those above 50KB) before uploading them to your website. The optimal way of optimizing them is to use Photoshop or any other image manipulation software. Save images for web with image quality up to 60%. I will explain you later, how you can reduce your image size with out effecting its quality. Images can massively slow down websites, especially uncompressed and non-optimized ones. There are a couple of ways to avoid this:

  • Optimize images before you upload them & crop them to the correct resolution.
  • Install a plugin called Wp Smush.it. It compresses your images & deletes all meta data. All compression is “lossless,” meaning that you won’t notice any difference in the quality of images.

One nice thing about WP Smush.it is that it works retroactively. If thousands of images are saved in your media library, you can run them all through the plugin, compressing them to a more manageable size.

2.Optimize Your Homepage To Load Quickly

Heavy home page also effect on loading speed which probably is the most important part of your site because people will be landing there the most often. There are some impotratnt point to  Improve WordPress Speed.

  • Show excerpts instead of full posts
  • Reduce the number of posts on the page (I like showing between 3-4)
  • Remove unnecessary sharing widgets from the home page.
  • Remove inactive plugins and widgets that you don’t need.
Overall, a clean and focused homepage design will help your page not only look good, but load quicker as well and increase your alexa rank. Also read how to improve alexa rank and how it work.

3.Take Care Of Your Page Size

Make your page size small as much as possible. This is even more crucial for mobiles. Having to load a 2MB site via mobile in a 3G connection is a recipe for disaster. Take into account that users do not like to wait for more than 2-3 seconds for a page to render. You can check your page speed on Google page Seed test and if you want to reduce the page size, just delete the unnecessary image in post and don’t place the low quality ads between the post because when you place an ads in the post, the ads code take more time to load and increase the loading time of your page. If you want to place the ads between the page then try to place high quality ads means ads provider company should have good server response.

4.Add Lazy Load To Your Images

lazy load plugin for wordpress

Lazy Load is the process of having only the images above the fold load (i.e. only the images visible in the visitor’s browser window), then, when reader scrolls down, the other images begin to load, just before they come into view. This will not only speed you page loads, it can also save bandwidth by loading less data for users who don’t scroll all the way down on your pages. This Plugin is useful for those Blogger who have huge traffic in his website, tool help to share bandwidth with other user.

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5.Use Text Advertisements

Maximum all the time, people use poster, banner, image as test advertisement. This advertisement option take a big part in page loading speed. Solve slow loading ads by going with the text or link option. If you must use images, see if you can host them yourself to Improve WordPress Speed.

6.Use An Effective Caching Plugin

cahce plugin

WordPress plugins are obviously quite useful, but some of the best fall under the caching category, as they drastically improve page loads time, and best of all and easy to use. By far my favorite, bar none, is W3 Total Cache, I wouldn’t recommend or use any other caching plugin, it has all of the features you need and is extremely easy to install and use.

Simply install and activate, and what your page load faster as elements are cached. Don’t enable everything, just the most basic stuff such as: page cache, browser cache, minify (may cause your website to look little weird), or try enabling the CDN option. You can also use WP Super Cache, But i recommended you go with W3 Total cache because it is easy to use.

7. Optimize Your WordPress Database

As we know WordPress automatically save your post that is a plus point of the WordPress, but the disadvantage is that your database will get filled with thousands of post revisions, trackbacks, pingbacks, unapproved comments and trashed items pretty quickly. The solution to this is a fantastic plugin called WP-Optimize, which routinely clears out your database’s trash, keeping the database efficient and filled only with what needs to be kept. Of course, when doing anything to your database, always back up first.

I would also recommend the WP-DB Manager plugin, which can schedule dates for database optimization to Improve WordPress Speed and rank in google.

8.Control The Amount Of Post Revisions Stored

I saved this post to draft about 8 times. WordPress, left to its own devices, would store every single one of these drafts, indefinitely. Now, when this post is done and published, why would I need all of those drafts stored? That’s why I use the Revision Control plugin to make sure I keep post revisions to a minimum, set it to 2 or 3 so you have something to fall back on in case you make a mistake, but not too high that you clutter your back end with unnecessary amounts of drafted posts.

9.Automatically Empty The Trash

Generally peoples move the bad comment, post and page in Trash and forget it. This trash folder store a large amount and memory and make load on your Data Bandwidth. You can set WordPress to automatically empty the trash. Simply add this line to your wp-config.php file. The number basically refers to how many days between WordPress trash dumps:

define('EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS', 10 );

10.Identify Plugin That Are Slowing You Down

p3 plugin for wordpressPlugin Performance Profile is one of my favorite diagnostic plugins because it shows you the impact of your other plugins on page-loading time. This makes it easy to spot any plugins that are slowing down your website. Once you’re aware of which plugins are slowing down your website, you can make an informed decision about whether to keep them, replace them or remove them entirely.

11. Turn Off Pingbacks And Trackbacks

By default, WordPress interacts with other blogs that are equipped with ping-backs and trackbacks. Every time another blog mentions you, it notifies your site, which in turn updates data on the post. Turning this off will not destroy the backlinks to your site, just the setting that generates a lot of work for your site. You can turn them off under the “Discussion” tab in “Settings.”

12.Use a Good Theme

Selection of good theme is more important then content optimization and image optimization because with out good and responsive( theme adjust according to your mobile screen) you loss your traffic every day. Sometimes, the reason a WordPress website loads slowly is because of the theme. Maybe it has a lot of graphics or a lot of bulky code and inefficient functions. Try choosing a simpler theme. But if you want to make good image on internet start with elegantthemes. It a  good responsive theme and have lowest page loading speed. The Coding of this theme are perfectly good and it occupy low space on WordPress. Have a good theme is the main part of the website to Improve WordPress Speed.

When you choose a theme, check the page speed of the theme’s demo, using a tool such as Pingdom, to see how quickly it runs with nothing added to it. This should give you an idea of how well coded it is.

13.Limit Plugin Usage

  • Decide which plugins you need and regularly update them
  • Delete the ones you don’t use
  • Remove Inactive Plugins

Always delete plugins you don’t need, because every badly coded plugin (even a deactivated one) poses a security threat.

14.Host Video Externally

Don’t directly play video in WordPress, i means don’t upload video in WordPress because WordPress in not a steam community. But if you want to play video on WordPress then upload video on youtube and then copy the link and wait for 5 sec a box like Tv window open and then save it. With out any increase the load on page you can play video on WordPress.

15. Keep WordPress up-to date

Keep your WordPress up-to date, so that you can take the advantage of the new feature. In this way you can also reduce the risk of hacking.

These are all user friendly method to Improve WordPress Speed. In my next post i will teach you how you can make improve your website more by simple setting in WordPress. If you think this is use full information. so please share this article with your friends. So that they can also take the advantage of this article.

Also read:- How To Use Keyword Planner Tool In Google Adwords Account Step By Step Guide

If you have any Suggestion or problem about to Improve WordPress Speed please feel free to comment below.

Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.