How To Fix HTML Improvements Duplicate Title Tags In Google Webmaster Tools

HTMK improvments duplicate titel tag

Google can’t see your website as the human eye can see. Everything on the internet is tex document for Google which contains some information in the form of HTML, CSS and some other language.

When Google crawls your site they check the certain Parmenter on your site. Whenever they are not able to find that parameter then they trigger some notification in the webmaster tool.

fix duplicate tittle tag in webmaster tool wallpaper
Webmaster Tool

That trigger means something is wrong or missing from your website. HTML Improvements Duplicate title tags and Duplicate meta descriptions are two most common error of the google webmaster tool.

These issues won’t prevent your site from appearing in Google search results, but addressing them may help boost your traffic and overall Site performance.

In this article, we will go in the depth of the HTML Improvements Duplicate title tags and Duplicate meta description and find the appropriate solution for it.

Besides that, we also check some other error in HTML Improvements Tab under Search Appearance in the GWT.

Introduction To HTML Improvement?

HTML improvement is an option in the google webmaster tools that help you to identify the areas where your HTML document (content, article, blog page etc) are facing an issue and it pinpoints the issues in GWT and also suggests the solution to fix it.

There are 3 main types HTML Improvements error in google webmaster tool are;

  1. Meta description
  2. Title tag
  3. Non-indexable content.

These errors can be easily found within the Google webmaster tools under section Search Appearance>>HTML improvement.

HTML improvment option in webmaster tool
HTML improvement option

This is the screenshot of my current webmaster tool account. Right now, I’m not facing HTML improvements duplicate meta description issue and non-indexable content on my website. So your screen may be little different from my screen.

Don’t worry if you face any other issue, here I’m cover each of them in detail.

What is Meta Description Tag?

Meta Descriptions are the paragraph of text that appears below the name of your websites and URL in a Google search result. See the below screenshot for better understanding.

Meta Descriptions in search Result
Meta Descriptions

You can write Meta description during writing the content.

According to Matt Cutts.

It is important to add a unique meta description tag to all the post but you can either skip this. Google can Create a Unique Meta description for your post But it is good practice to add it by yourself.

Google Use Good Meta description or Keyword in the meta description as a ranking factor, but always use good Meta Description for the user not to rank in Google higher.

So, now you know what is Meta Description tag. Let’s move next.

HTML improvements duplicate meta description error further can be divided into three main parts are;

  1. Long meta description,
  2. Short meta description,
  3. Duplicate meta descriptions.

Now form the name of the term, you can easily understand what is the meaning of it. For example, short Meta Description error trigger in the webmaster when your post (e.g article, page, blog) has a short meta description.

Now, I’m sure there is one Question in your mind. What is the exact length of the meta description?

There is no hard and fast rule, you can write 200 character or 100 charters but the condition is that meta description not should be too long or too short to show in the search result

If you want to know the number then this is approximately 156 character.

meta description hide after 156 characters
meta description

If you are using yoast SEO plugin to optimised your content, then you can count this character.

  • Long meta description: – If your meta description longer than 156 characters.
  • Short meta description: – If your meta description not less than 80 characters.

Apart of these, Duplicate meta descriptions error trigger in webmaster tool when two content has the same meta description.

Fix HTML Improvement Meta Description Error

Login your Google Webmaster Tool account and click on  HTML Improvements Under Search Appearance. Here you will see the list of HTML improvement error.

  • Click on the error that you are facing in the Meta Description.
duplicate Meta Description in google webmaster tool
duplicate Meta Description

In my case, I’m facing duplicate meta descriptions error in the google webmaster tool.

When you click on the error, you will see the list of all the page, who have the duplicate meta descriptions or same meta description.

There is a two method to fix HTML improvements duplicate meta descriptions

  1. Delete the another page or
  2. Change the meta description of another page.
checking the HTML Duplicate meta description error in google webmaster tool
Checking the Error

My situation is little different. A couple of days back. I had changed the Permalink structure of my website. This thing changes the URL of my all post.

means page

/2016/04/13/long-tail-keyword-research-focus-keyword-2 /

is now shift to

/long-tail-keyword-research-focus-keyword-2 /

But google consider this two page the same page because I just change the URL not the content. Both have same Title, same Meta description, same content etc. This thing generates duplicate meta descriptions in the google webmaster tool.

So, in that case, I have to delete the another page from the google search engine by using Google URL Removal Tool. 

  • Go to Google webmaster Tool>>Google Index>>Remove URLs.
  • Enter the URL of the page which you want to deindex from google and click on continue.
Google Page Removal Tool in webmaster tool
Google Page Removal Tool

Now you will see 3 option, Leave it as “Temporarily hide page from search result and remove from cache“.

  • Now click on Submit Request button.
After submitting removal page request in webmaster tool
After Submission

After, Submitting the URL you will see a list of URL.

page expire in the google page removal tool
Expire Page

Note: – Google Take 24hr to temporary delete the page from google index and up to 1 weel to permanently delete the page. Learn more about Google URL Removal Tool.

To fix the Short Meta Description and Long Meta Description. just find the article and change the length of the meta description according to the HTML Improvements error that you are facing in the google webmaster tool.

What is Title Tag?

The title tag is the headline of your content which is always warped in H1 tag and used to create creating the unique title of the page/website etc.

title tag wrap in h1 tag in source code and website
h1 tag

You can see in the above image, your title is wrap in the H1 tag, and you find only one H1 tag on your site in each page for writing title (headline).

The title tag is most important to optimise the content for Google search engine and by unique, proper length, title tags which contain focus keywords can drive more traffic to your site.

If you are using WordPress as a content management system then the title you write for the article is automatically set to the title for google search result.

But the best part of the WordPress is that you can write a separate title for Google and separate title for an article with the help of a plugin called Yoast SEO as I mentioned above.

Snippet preview in yoast Plugin
Snippet preview

In this plugin, you can easily check how your content looks when it appears in the search result.

How To Fix HTML Improvements Title tags.

HTML improvements Title Tag further can be divided into five main parts are;

  1. Missing title tags
  2. Duplicate title tags
  3. Long title tags
  4. Short title tags
  5. Non-informative title tags

Out of these five title tag, HTML improvements Duplicate Title Tags is one of the most common error that you found on the site. Why?

I’m I doing something wrong? The Clear Cut answer is Yes. Actually, you are doing this mistake by MISTAKE!

Each error generate due to different reason but the basic reason behind all Duplicate Title Tag errors are;

Change in the article, after publishing it or when we have one article with two address, means you can access one article with two different URL address.

Other HTML improvements Error trigger in the google webmaster when you write very long or very short answer.

  • Missing Title Tag: –  When you do not write the Tittle of the article.
  • Long title Tag: – When you write the title greater than the recommended length.
  • Short Title Tag: – When your Write the title tag very short, For Example, one word
  • Non-Informative Title Tag: –  This Type of error occurs when you publish a blank page by mistake.

Open your HTML improvement Report and click on an error that you are facing in the Title Tag.

html improvements duplicate title tags shown in webmaster tool
duplicate title tags

Note: You can also download the report from the webmaster tool.

If the error is HTML duplicate title tag then you know very well what you have to do, Delete the URL.

And If you facing another error,

Then open the error identify the page and change the length of the title according to the HTML improvement error in the google webmaster tool.

Note: Length of the title is not longer than 76 characters and not be shorter than two words.

Unlike some other reports in Google Webmaster Tools, there is no button to mark something as fixed here. You have to keep a track of what you have fixed so that when you visit this reports again, you will know what you fixed and what is new and needs fixing.

So, in this way you can fix the HTML improvements duplicate title tags and some other html error on your site.

Non-indexable Content?

I never face this problem in my SEO career So, I have no strong information about this. but this is something related to the content that Google can’t be indexed, means not able to understand the content.

I’m not taking the blocking of a page. If the page is blocked by robots.txt file then google directly ignores it. but this is something related to non-understandable information.

But if you face this problem then feel free to contact me I will try my best to resolve this error.

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GWT offers invaluable insight into the performance of your website, allowing you to assess and fix crawl errors, investigate backlinks to your site and can even tell you if your site has been manually penalized by Google. It gives us a rare glimpse into how the often secretive Google views your website.

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If you have any suggestion or problem about HTML improvements duplicate title tags please feel free to comment below.

Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.