How to Unlike All Songs on Spotify To Add New One

How to Unlike All Songs on Spotify

Bored of your previously liked songs and want to venture into new genres? This article explains how to unlike all songs on Spotify on all of the devices and dive into a new world of fresh tones and artists.

Can Spotify Remove Liked Songs ?

It’s easy to bundle up liked songs while exploring through the vast music libraries of your favorite artist. But these songs can sometimes go up to hundreds or even thousands, and then you want to delete them. It can be because your taste has changed or you now want to listen to the improved versions. So what can we do about all the previously liked songs? Simply unlike them. But is there a way to remove all your liked songs from Spotify?

Well, you can delete liked songs from the Spotify list. The option to simultaneously, unlike all the songs, is only available for the Spotify desktop app. If you want to delete songs using a mobile app, then you will have to do it one by one, and it can be a very tedious task. Either way, both methods are explained below.

How To Unlike All Songs On Spotify On Desktop

For App

The process, to Spotify remove liked songs, is the same for Mac and Windows. The following steps are applicable only on the Spotify desktop app and can’t be executed on the web. On your Windows or Mac desktop, open the Spotify app.

  • Navigate to the Liked Songs from the menu located on the left and click it.
  • Press the shortcut key on the keyboard Cmd + A (for Mac) and Ctrl + A (for Windows), in order to select all the songs in your playlist.
select all
  • Now press the delete key on your keyboard and click Remove to confirm. Or you can press “Remove from your Liked Songs” by right-clicking the highlighted songs.
remove from playlist

For Web

Spotify doesn’t allow to use of shortcut keys Cmd + A and Ctrl + A for its web version. But you can use the key Command + Click to delete songs in batches. You can follow these steps if you want to delete multiple songs at a time instead of all the songs or if you don’t have the Spotify app on your desktop.

  • On your Windows or Mac computer, open Spotify on a web browser.
  • Click on the Liked Songs tab from the left-side menu.
  • Now, press down the Command key and select the songs you want to delete or remove. Or press the Shift key to select a batch of songs in a row.
  • Right-click on the songs that you selected and click on the Delete key on the keyboard. Alternatively, press Remove from your Liked Songs.

How To Unlike All Songs On Spotify On Mobiles

While it is possible to Spotify remove liked songs for both Android and iOS Spotify app, it is a very tiresome and monotonous process. The Spotify app on mobile doesn’t offer a batch delete option so you’ll have to unlike all of the songs individually. Android and iOS steps are the same.

  • On the Spotify app, open Your Library.
  • Now click Liked Songs.
  • Click the Context Menu (three dots) of the song you want to unlike, and then click Remove from this playlist in order to remove the song.
  • You can also unlike a song from your playlist by tapping on the green check button. All the playlist that has the selected song will show up, click the playlist you want to remove the song from, and then press Done. The song will be removed.
  • Now, repeat the same process to Spotify remove liked songs or your entire Liked Songs playlist.
remove from playlist


Q: Is there any limit to liking songs on Spotify?
No, there isn’t any limit to liking songs or adding songs to your library, but previously, there was a limit of 10,000 songs.

Q: Can you recover deleted liked songs on Spotify?
Spotify doesn’t give the option to recover your whole liked songs playlist, but you can recover songs from other playlists and them to your liked songs.

Q: How to like a song on Spotify?
You can like a song by clicking the + (plus) icon next to your song’s name. It will be added to your liked song playlist.

Wrap Up

In this article, we have introduced how to unlike all songs on Spotify for different devices. Now, you can easily delete your previously liked songs, venture into a new world, and unleash fresh and new tones.

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