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How To See Who Liked Your Playlist on Spotify

How To See Who Liked Your Playlist on Spotify

Spotify is the music streaming platform that lets you create playlists, share your music with your friends, and make them public so the world can listen. It is amusing to see who listened to and liked your Spotify playlist.

But the platform allows you to know how many people liked your playlist. At the same time, you can’t see who likes it. So, are you thinking there are any means to check who liked your playlist? Inappropriately, there is a big no for that. Spotify server has no feature that lets you check who likes your playlist.

Confidently in this post, we give our audience a better understanding of how many likes your Spotify playlist has. So here we go.

How To See Who Liked My Spotify Playlist?

Unfortunately, the Spotify server does not have candid features that allow creators to check who likes their playlists on Spotify. At the same time, a user can see like counts/how many like each of their playlists have, which is fairly easy to do.

If you want to check how many users have liked your Spotify playlist, just follow the steps below.

  • First of all, navigate to the Spotify application on your phone device.
Step 1: navigate to the Spotify application
  • Tap on the Library option on the bottom right side of the screen on the main page.
Step 2: Tap on the Library option
  • Then tap on your profile picture; you will see it at the top left side.
  • After that, tap the View Profile option from the pop-up list.
  • Now navigate to the playlists option that you have made.
Step 5: navigate to the playlists option
  • After that, choose the playlist you want to check how many people have liked your playlist.

Here you will see an overview of all your playlists with the number of likes listed under the name of your playlist.

Does Spotify Add How to See who Liked your Playlist Feature Soon?

The feature that lets you check who liked your Spotify playlist was last available in 2013. But an update in March 2013 detached this feature. However, this feature has not to retort and is currently not existing.

Even though this feature is actually the most demanded on the Spotify platform. But the server does not plan to augment it soon. According to the Spotify community forum, thousands of users have requested this feature in the last few months, and over 15000 people have requested to take this feature back to Spotify.

As per the user’s requests, Spotify authoritatively enthused the status that they keep the concepts in the bin Not Right Now and have no instantaneous plans to implement this feature. Subsequently, it does not look probable that we cannot expect the feature to animate shortly or soon.

Summing Up

After almost a decade of a gap, the Spotify server has still not added the feature that lets you see who liked your playlist. Henceforward, users can only check the number of likes on their playlist.

However, checking the analytics of your Spotify app can be an incredible technique to identify more about the categories you frequently listen to and augment your favorite tracks. Several apps offer comprehensive systematic data like the number of hours you employ listening to music and what time of the day you snoop the utmost.

So, you can use these applications to know the analytics of your Spotify. Don’t forget to share your thoughts on this post, and if you want to know more about Spotify, tell us in the comment box.

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I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.

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