Regardless of your business type, whether you sell life insurance, services, cars, the generation of leads is crucial for you to grow. Several methods exist to attract them, and convert them into your future customers, however, picking any is not the best strategy. A clean-cut scheme, the tactic is critical, or the involvement of specialists may kill two birds with one stone. This how-to guide will introduce you to the working strategies of attracting insurance leads and making your business prosper.
Who Are Insurance Leads?
Insurance leads are sources that drive one’s business sales. A lead is a person who shows interest in purchasing your product or service, and may occasionally share referrals. Besides, insurance leads are considered prospects requesting insurance quotes. You may have specific information on them including full name, contact information, paying capacity, and purchasing behaviour. Logically to assume, they are those who can and are willing to pay for your service without finding 100 reasons against it.
On the other hand, the competition in attracting them is super high, and you need to know how to do it effectively. Check the working strategies below.
#1 Clients’ Referrals
Take a look at your current depository of clients, and define what purchasing behaviours they have. If you serve them right, or power with some bonuses, and promotions, they are most likely to share such deals with others. To do it smoothly, you may write a THANK YOU email and send it to your consumers. Or, you can encourage them to leave online feedback about you. On most occasions, people trust such feedback and reviews, prior to choosing the company.
#2 Order Google Advertising
Pay Per Click is one of the cheapest and working marketing strategies to hook clients on your services. However, you should first work on the “stuffing” of such an ad. You may come up with a hook that will catch the readers’ attention, and make them want to redirect to your website. You can do it all alone, however, hiring a professional will deprive you of hustle and bustle.
#3 Buy Leads
Obviously, you can also buy leads. Some professionals working in the industry of generating insurance leads may provide people with lists. Those lists will feature leads from other organizations whom you can reach, whom you have not previously contacted, etc. Such an option is usually pricey, however, if you manage to reach leads likely to purchase anything from you, you will earn more than you initially spent.
#4 Think of Your Website Design
Sometimes, all you have to do is to work hard on the layout or design of your website. Leads are not interested in dealing with companies that cannot even present their services right online. Here, you should turn to designers or developers who will hint at the intuitive design which by overlooking guides a user from product profiles to the shopping cart.
#5 Turn to Professionals
Then, if you run out of time, but need immediate assistance with attracting leads, you can always find experts in the field to refer to. There are lots of such services with their own benefits. For instance, you may consider a company. They can increase the size of your insurance company by collecting calls and leads from high-intent clients who are ready to buy.
#6 Organize Webinars
Webinars are really hyped over today, and if you manage to organize something similar, it will be good for the leads’ attraction. You can first send links to your existing clients’ emails, and add something like – closed online event, the number of participants is limited. However, ensure to specify that they can re-share that link with one more person.
#7 Think About Giveaways
Giveaways are usually popular, however, they do also have much poor feedback around them. You can think of organizing such an event with a pool prize that involves your main service or product. To not make others frustrated, you can also present the prizes for the first 10 winners. Remember that such giveaways should predetermine ads or social media promotions to attract even those people who are not interested in such services.
#8 Engage with Your Readers
If you have a social media page for introducing your services, you should ensure to reply to all the readers’ questions. It shows that you engage with your audience. Besides, by addressing readers’ inquiries, you can easily transform them into buyers rather than readers only. Your communication should be friendly but also with a selling, non-intrusive tone.
All in all, you have several tactics to refer to. Some are working particularly for online businesses, some are fit for a variety of services. To ensure you attract leads rather than gapers, referring to professionals first is crucial.