What’s Google Disavow Tool? How To Use It To Disavow Backlinks From Google

The higher the number of backlinks from relevant sites is good for ranking will be, Right? What happens if a not-relevant site linking to you? If you get a backlink from Adult or Gambling Site then what you do? In October/12/2016 Google Launch a tool called Google Disavow Tool to deal with this type Problem.

Google disavow tool
Google disavow tool

Google Disavow Tool allows you to Tell Google to remove certain domains (or URL) as a ranking factor in the indexing of your site. You do this by creating a .txt file with a list of the domains (or URLs) that you want to tell google and submitting it to the “Google Disavow Tool“.

In this an article, we will talk about some very practical things that will help you when using the Google disavow tool. These tips should help you whether you are a small business owner or an experienced SEO, who is trying to clean up a few Unnatural Links or Bad link Pointing to your site. Before starting, I recommended learning about the benefit of link building so that you can easily understand what I’m going to explain here.

What is Disavow Tool

The Disavows Tool is Google’s way of allowing you to ask Google not to count certain links that point to your site. In other words, It is a tool that helps you to communicate with google to tell them which link you want to consider when google rank your site or make an SEO matrix of your site,

When you first time open this tool you will see a Message of warrning;

warning of Disavow tool in webmaster

Why would Google provide such a warning? Because it is a very powerful tool to directly communicate with Google Bot, if you provide wrong or incorrect information to google Bot can damage your whole website ranking performance.

Reason For Using Google Disavow Tool

The purpose of the Disavow tool is Removing Harmful Links from Google’s consideration. There are three reasons why you would want to do that are;

  • Use the Tool if your site Receives a manual Penalty
  • Site receives an Algorithm Penalty
  • Site Rank hurt by spammy link (negative SEO)
  • To Remove Toxic back-links from Site’s

Can I use, google disavow tool even I’m not getting any problem above mention? According to Matt Cutts, yes. Here’s what he said:

If you are at all worried about someone trying to do negative SEO or it looks like there’s some weird bot that’s building up a bunch of links to your site and you have no idea where it came from, that’s the perfect time to use disavow as well….even if you don’t have a message in your webmaster console….So if you’ve done the work to keep an active look on your backlinks and you see something strange going on, you don’t have to wait around. Feel free to just go ahead and preemptively say, ‘You know what; this is a weird domain. I have nothing to do with it, and no idea what this particular bot is doing in terms of making links,’ so go ahead and do disavows even on a domain level.

But I personally, Recommended that, Don’t directly use the Google Disavow tool unless you’ve tried to remove the link manually first. Try to message the webmaster and told him to remove the link.

Here Is an Email Message Template.

Hi [Name],

My name is [YOUR_NAME], and I work with [YOUR_WEBSITE]. We are currently trying to remove some links pointing to our website, and I would appreciate if you would be kind to help us.

Your website links to our website from here: [URL_OF_THE_PAGE_LINKING_TO_YOU].

It points to this page of our website: [URL_OF_YOUR_SITE]

And it’s using the anchor text [ANCHOR_TEXT_USED_FOR_YOUR_LINK].

I’m kindly asking you to remove the backlink to our website. Thanks in advance.

Wish you all the best with your website



Once this has been attempted and proven unsuccessful, go through the disavow process.

Note: – Make a record of every single email, Back-link Spreadsheet, Screenshot and some other useful information. Sometimes Google can ask your effort to clean up your backlink profile, So you must have to show something strong proof.

Build a Disavow Link File For Google

To clean up a bad backlink profile, You need a list of the Domain or URL where from the actual link are coming to your site.

Important Point

  1. File must be in .txt format
  2. One Domain or URL per link
  3. To include a domain-level link in the file, add “domain:” before the URL of the domain home page (for example, “domain:shadyseo.com”).
  4. To submit a page-level link, simply list the URL.
  5. Don’t start with www or https, simply write “sitename.com”
  6. Add notes to each submission by starting the message with “#” on the line before the URL or domain listing.

The list that you create should contain a record of your removal efforts. As I explained above, Before using the Google disavowal Tool, you should go through the process of manual removal request while keeping detailed records of that process. Because Google wants to see that you have made an attempt to contact the webmaster who can remove the backlink link.

Here is a sample of a disavow file that Google declares to be legit:

google disavow tool file example
Example of Disavow

To create better Backlink Profile, here I’m Dividing the Backlink Audit into two parts

  • Domain Level Checking and
  • Page Level Checking

Domain Level Checking

  • Login Your Webmaster Tool. If you do not have a Google webmaster Tool Account create it first.
  • Go to Google Webmaster Tool>>Search Traffic>> Link To Your site and then click on More Option.
Search Analytic Option in the webmaster tool
Search Analytic
  • Click on Download Table, a new window will be open.
  • Select google CSV or Google Docs. (Here I select Google Docs file)
Backlink file download in the webmaster tool 
Back-link File
  • In this File, you will see a list of the domain name, Who make a link with your domain.
Domain list in gooleDocus
Domain List
  • Now Copy all the domain name and use URL Opener to open the domain in the new Tab for inspection.
URL opener chrome extension
URL opener

After opening the all domain in a new tab check the following point.

  1. Is it this domain is Porn or Gambling?
  2. Check the Domain Authority and Page Rank.
  3. Make Sure Website is not a spammy Website
  4. Website Not showing 404 Error
  5. Website Working Fine (Domain Not Expired)

You can use a plugin called MOZ Extension to check the Domain Authority and Page Rank of the site. Moz also Show the spam scale from 1 to 17 and 17 is the highest on the scale.Low DA and PR does not mean this website is not good for me. See ENSBlog.com have 4/17 Rating on spam scale. That does not mean this website is BAD.

Low DA and PR does not mean this website is not good for me. See ENSBlog.com have 4/17 Rating on spam scale. That does not mean this website is BAD.

Ens Blog
Ens blog

Both of us have the same Niche. Maybe in future, this website rank higher than my website. At that stage, this link is good for me. And important thing is that link coming from same niche website is important than any other website.

Explore the website and check, is it in future. Can this website make a good impression on my site or not. Then Make a decision what you want to do with this site.

Now, Divide this website into three part Good, Bad and  Normal website and create a list of this website.

List of website in different file
List Of Website

Page Level Checking

You have a three list, one of them is a Good list. So you can skip checking the page of the good domain because this is a good website and sure they have a Good Quality page.

Now, You left with the BAD and Normal Domain list. Pick up Each Domain one by one and go to the depth of the Domain.

For Example Here, I Select “yekmizban.com”

  • Go to webmaster tool and click on the name of the domain and see how many link they sending toward your website
Where Form Link Coming detail in webmaster
Where Form Link Coming
  • I have Only one link coming from “yemizban.com” from two different page. You also see your page which is used to make a link to your website
  • Click on your page link and You will see a page of “yekmizban.com” website where from the link are coming to your page.
Different coming Links in webmaster
Different coming Links
  • Move cursor on the link and wait for 2 sec. You will see a screenshot of the website. In my case, both of this page is a crash page which is the very bad link for my website.
  • You can also open it in the new tab and see the result of your website.
crash site
Crash Site

Now I’m sure this domain only heart my ranking so I select this domain as a bad domain and create a list of Disavow.

Either you can delete the whole domain or delete URL is your personal choice. But in this case, I Disavow this whole domain because in future they have no value for the website. Repeat the same process for all the website and make a disavow link list.

Note: – If you just want to disavow page just copy the URL of the page where from the link is coming.

Make a list of the Disavow Page or domain and use Disavow File generator to avoid the mistake in the file. Copy Past the list of the domain and click on Generate Disavow list.

Submit Disavow File In Google Webmaster Tool

Now, You have a list of Domain or URL that you want to disavow. But I personally recommended making an effort to contact the webmaster and manually remove the backlink from your site. In a case of webmaster not response to your email then takes the help of Google disavow tool.

Upload disavow file in the disavow tool
Upload File
  • Upload your disavow file and click on Submit button.

Bing’s Disavow Link Tool

The way to use Bing’s disavow links tool is slightly different than Google’s tool because you don’t need to upload a .txt file. Instead, you manually enter each domain or URL.

  • Log into Bing Webmaster Tools. Go to Configure my site>>Disavow Links
Bing Disavow Tool
Bing Disavow Tool

Within the Disavow Links tool, use the drop-down menu to indicate that you are disavowing a page, directory, or domain URL.

  • Enter the URL you want to disavow and click “Disavow.”
  • Your submission will be featured underneath the tool along with the date it was disavowed.
disavow List in bing webmaster tolo
disavow List
  • If you want to a delete a submission, select the check box and click the “Delete” button.

How Much Time Take To Disavow link?

As soon as you upload your disavow file, Google will start to apply the disavow directives to each link of yours as they crawl the web. Let’s say that I have a link on example.com. When next time google’s crawl example.com or any other page of that domain that link to your site. They will apply an invisible nofollow tag to each link that pointing to your site. This means that these links will no longer be included in algorithmic calculations (i.e. Penguin) for your site.

Can I Reavow a Link?

If you put the good domain name in the disavow file then don’t worry.  You can remove a disavow directive by modifying your disavow file so that it no longer contains that domain name and then re-uploading it.

Note: take- Reavow retakes longer time to Reavow link. According to Matt Cutt

It takes much longer to reavow a link than to disavow it. You would think that the next time it was crawled, Google would remove the invisible “nofollow”, however, there is some type of lag time built in before the link starts to count again. The purpose of this is to make it harder for spammers to find ways to cheat the system.

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Backlink building and backlink removing is both a part of the SEO. Without removing the bad backlink profile pointing to your site, there is no benefit of the link building. So conduct backlink audit is important to time to time to check the negative SEO attack.  Find bad Or low quality link that pointing to your site. Make a list and upload it into the google webmaster by using the google Disavow tool option.

Remember to share this post with anyone who might benefit from this information, including your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and members of your Google+ group! And also Support Us By Liking Our FacebookTwitter, and Google+ Page.

If you have any suggestion or problem about Google Disavow tool please feel free to comment below.

Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.