Apple recently announced Facial recognition in apple phones. Android cell phones also provide the face recognition app in cell phones for unlocking the device. The face ID works with facial features to unlock the phones. The Face Recognition App in cell phones is used for security purposes. Facial recognition is quite faster than fingerprint sensors.
Apple and Android
Android has been providing face recognition since its android version 4.0.4 and is a clear winner in the race of face recognition app. But, now every cellphone offers this app in cell phone whether app or android. The face recognition is performed using the front facing camera, however, some Apple cell hones use special face recognition hardware which examines and records the key features of the face to recognize it. It also uses 3D facial recognition to capture the key feature of the face correctly and accurately.
Is Face Recognition Secure?
The standard front face lock is not secure. Moreover, what I personally feel, is the facial recognition is not safe at all. The reason why I am saying this is very crucial. The answer is simple and precise “ image recognition.” The 2D facial recognition algorithm is cheap in price and easy to deploy. To hack a 2D android face recognition unlock algorithm requires your picture THAT’S IT, Your phone is hacked.
The efficiency of the android facial recognition app also depends on the camera quality. How well your camera can recognize your facial features. Unlike the law enforcement agencies, cell phones do not use THAT high definition camera even to capture the drops of sweat on your face.
Face Recognition OR Touchpad ID (Finger Print)
If you intend to compare the two, what factors would you consider?
The working of face recognition app and fingerprint scanners or Touch ID is relatively the same. The facial recognition works by reading facial features and the Touch ID works by reading the fingerprints. The benefit of the Touch ID and face recognition app is, the password can be hacked and through some hacking techniques. But, the face ID or touch id cannot be hacked that easily.
The Benefits Of Face Recognition App:
- Fast and easy to set up.
- Deeply analyze your face and use it for unlocking.
- It can be used with a front-facing camera or face recognition hardware.
- The security is not easy to break.
Devices That Have Face Recognition App
Facial recognition is widely common now. Almost all brands are not offering facial recognition in the cell phones along with Touch ID. the first ones were as usual Apple and Samsung. The cell phones with face recognition are listed below:
- Apple iPhone X series.
- Samsung phones with facial recognition: Galaxy Note 8 and 9 and other series
- Huawei Honor 7X, 8X, and 9X.
- Huawei Honor 20, and Honor 20i.
- Huawei Y9 Prime 2019.
- Huawei Y5 2019.
- OnePlus 6T.
- LG G7.
This list is absolutely nothing as compared to the actual number of phones available with a face recognition app as a built-in feature. Various face recognition phones come with this app.
Final Words:
Face recognition app comes with a phone as a built-in app in many phones. It provides security to the phone, can be used to open locked applications. The 3D Face unlocking is secure enough to process financial transactions. However, it is recommended that you should be careful when doing such financial things with phones. Face recognition is one step forward towards evolution.