Category: Tips

My Spotify Keeps Pausing
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Spotify Keeps Pausing? Most Working Ways to fix it?

Does Spotify keep pausing? The music-loving community has flocked to Spotify, an audio streaming service. But Spotify’s pausing issue is a common one for its users. Spotify users have probably been worried about why the music keeps pausing during playback. We will discuss the reasons and solutions for Spotify’s pausing

Internet Connection Keeps Dropping And Reconnecting
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Internet Keeps Dropping? Here are the Easiest Ways to Solve it

The connection to the wired (Ethernet) or wireless internet on a computer or any other device keeps dropping for a few seconds. Look for possible errors and fix the modem problem with Windows 10 or another machine in order to get the internet to continue working. Your internet may disconnect

How To Recover Unsaved Word Document
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Easy Ways to Recover an Unsaved Word Document?

How to recover an unsaved word document? When you accidentally exit Microsoft Word, have an application crash, or have your computer run into an unexpected error, the Word document you’re working on can disappear without being saved. Data, time, and effort are often lost as a result. A Word document

how to hack facebook messenger
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How To Hack Facebook Messenger – Tips & Tricks To Hack Facebook

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world today. With millions of users active every second there is an enormous user base Facebook has now. With a massive number of users, Facebook does ensure the security and privacy of every user across the globe, but, still, you can