Category: Technology Topics

Technology Topics
hitech work

NFT Can Make You a Millionaire or Pauper?(You Need to Know This)

2021 was a year dominated byfull of weird-yet-innovative stuff, say, Crypto. Blockchain, Metaverse and NFT. Frankly, they all are connected, somehow, STRANGE! Let’s focus on the last bit: NFT. From three years since now—not many have the clue or (to be honest) interest—in the NFTs. Then how has it turned

Movie Hit the Board but Missed the Bull’s Eye
Technology Topics
hitech work

“Don’t Look Up” Movie Hit the Board but Missed the Bull’s Eye

2 minute 46 seconds of the trailer of Netflix’s original movie; Don’t Look Up, might’ve caught us by the jugular. Especially the ones more aware of the climate and fed up with human stupidity. And this is only about the ones who watched the trailer beforehand. People who got this

custom logistics software development
Technology Topics
hitech work

Custom Software Development for Logistics Industry

You might not know about it, but logistics is among the biggest and fastest-developing fields today. Everything that is connected to delivering goods and services to the clients is under the authority of this industry. Technical progress influenced this sphere just like the rest of the business areas, forcing wide

services for students
Technology Topics
hitech work

Must-have online sites and services for students

Online resources have revolutionized education and simplified the learning process. They are convenient, accessible, and often free to use. The list below includes amazing services that improve the life and studying of an average student.  Evernote – all your notes in one place Evernote is a handy app for taking