Category: Technology Topics

Technical Education
Technology Topics
hitech work

Importance and Benefits of Technical Education

Formal education has grown in relevance and breadth over the past centuries, with a student population going for university education in medical, engineering, and mathematics. Some proceeded to get bachelor’s or master’s programs with high-paying white-collar positions as a result. Technical education was disapproved of, as even more students viewed

Threats of EMP
Technology Topics
hitech work

Threats of EMP – Protecting Yourself and Your Electronics

In 1989, the world experienced a large Aurora event all across the globe. According to the witnesses; they could read a newspaper at night. This is how bright the Aurora was. When on the one hand people were experiencing such a wonderful side of this event; the Hydro-Québec power system

Machine learning services
Technology Topics
hitech work

Machine Learning

Over the past 15 years, machine learning (ML) has become widespread, but most people do not fully understand its role in everyday life. Many of us use applications based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies on a daily basis. These technologies have already revolutionized many industries, for example,

Technology Topics
hitech work

NFT Can Make You a Millionaire or Pauper?(You Need to Know This)

2021 was a year dominated byfull of weird-yet-innovative stuff, say, Crypto. Blockchain, Metaverse and NFT. Frankly, they all are connected, somehow, STRANGE! Let’s focus on the last bit: NFT. From three years since now—not many have the clue or (to be honest) interest—in the NFTs. Then how has it turned