Category: News

Study Reveals How Fast AI Can Track Your Passwords
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Study Reveals How Fast AI Can Track Your Passwords

It has been revealed that your password is no longer safe, as AI: Artificial intelligence can easily track your passcode if you limit yourself to digits or numbers. We can say that AI is everywhere, and it is spreading and powering on our devices one way or another; it is

Apple Issues Emergency Warning to iPhone Users
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Apple Issues Emergency Warning to iPhone Users

Apple has alerted millions of iPhone users about a pop-up notification that shows when water is detected in the phone’s charging port. If you neglect the notification, this will result in the pins on the lightning port or the cable corroding. This can lead to undying damage or connectivity issues.

Facebook Messenger Now Lets You Play Games
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Facebook Messenger Now Lets You Play Games with your friends on Video Calls

On Tuesday, 4 April 2023, Facebook Messenger announced its latest feature, letting users play multiplayer games together during video calls. This announcement emanates soon after Meta’s verdict to suspend the standalone Facebook gaming application. However, last year, Facebook slaughtered its Facebook Gaming Platform, switching games and streams to the main