Category: Mobile

Apple Carplay not working
Apple Carplay
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Apple Carplay not working – 8 ways to resolve its issues

Apple CarPlay appears to be the most straightforward technique for connecting your iPhone 13 to your car while driving. The iPhone app helps you route and bring the road view ahead with your carplay system software. If you get into any difficulties, though, put an end to your carplay. It’s

how to hide likes on Instagram
hitech work

How To Hide Likes on Instagram in a Simpler Way

On Instagram, if you prefer content over popularity—then this article is perfect for you. Instagram’s Likes feature has been used, adored, and loved by billions around the globe; but then why does Instagram have to introduce a new feature of hiding them? I’ll explain this answer of WHY—while also walking

How to Change Snapchat Username & Display Name
hitech work

How to Change Snapchat Username & Display Name

How to change snapchat username & display name? Taking on the likes of Instagram, Facebook, Josh, and even TikTok, Snapchat is one of the most popular social media applications in the market. The Snapchat app has been downloaded over 1 billion times and has a Google Play Store rating of

How to make a GIF on iPhone
hitech work

How to Make a GIF on iPhone in 50 Seconds or Less

GIFs are a part of our lives and we have been using them for decades now. They were one of the first graphical entertainments on computers. There are over 1 billion GIFs on GIPHY alone. With that knowledge about GIF, everyone wanted to learn how to make a GIF on