Category: Mobile

How to Resolve iPhone Not Charging
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How to Resolve iPhone Not Charging When Plugged in Issue?

How to resolve iPhone not charging when plugged in? Apple’s iPhone is one of the most popular mobiles on the market. However, some users have reported that their iPhone does not charge when plugged in. There are a few easy explanations for this problem. One possibility is that the charging

Travel Apps
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Travel Apps you need for Last-minute travel

Trust me, all of us have planned a trip to an exquisite location like Goa with all our friends and at the last moment, one of us cancelled the plan saying they couldn’t make it! Well, that’s the life story of every planner in the friend’s group. In that case,

What Is Safe Mode on My Phone
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What Is Safe Mode on My Phone? Let’s Detect Problems

Does your Phone’s home screen freezes, receive instant notifications, and fall Restart itself? These problems could be the purpose of clashed and malfunctioning applications. Some of the most recently downloaded one apps may impair your Phone’s performance. To determine this issue, use the safe mode on your Phone to find

Snapchat safety tips for every user
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5 Snapchat safety tips for every user

Snapchat is one of the most popular social media in the world, with a number of active users of over 330 million. Many people worldwide use this app to share a small part of their everyday life. It can be a photo from an outing with friends or a video