Category: Computing

What Is Microsoft Windows
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Microsoft Windows Operating System: Editions & Top Features of Windows 10

Microsoft Windows (MS Windows or simply Windows) is the most widely used operating system in the world whether it is the desktop user at home or in organizations. Windows OS is a graphical user interface providing a colorful and attractive interface for users. Windows operating system can run any kind

Search Bar Not Working Windows 10
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Windows 10 Search Not Working? Try These Easy Fixes

Is your windows 10 search not working? Windows Search is one of the most used comments for many users as it lets you immediately find the items you’re looking for on your machine. It helps find your apps, images, videos, spreadsheets, and essentially everything that you’ve stored on your computer.

How To Completely Wipe A Hard Drive
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How to Wipe a Hard Drive? Methods to perform it

How to Wipe a Hard Drive? To wipe a hard drive means to erase the drive of all its information. Deleting everything does not wipe a hard drive, and formatting does not usually either. You’ll need to take an extra step so the data can’t be simply reconstructed later. When

Netsh Winsock Reset All
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How to Perform a Netsh Winsock Reset on Windows & Mac

Do you want to know how to perform a netsh Winsock reset? Winsock (Windows Sockets) is the term used by Windows to represent the data on your PC that programs use to access a network. If you’re having difficulties connecting to the web, you can utilize the Command Prompt to

Enable Stereo Mix Windows 10
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How to Restore Missing Stereo Mix on Windows 10?

Wants to know how to restore the missing stereo mix on windows 10? Stereo Mix is a tool that allows the user to record the output stream of a computer such as broadcasting radio, speaker outputs, live streaming audios, also system sounds. Though Stereo mix comes default with some sound

What Is Windows Sonic For Headphones
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Windows Sonic for Headphones – How it Works?

Windows Sonic for Headphones is Microsoft’s take on the spatial sound, attempting to build a surround sound experience for everyone, even with ordinary stereo headphones. What Is Windows Sonic?  Windows Sonic was attached to Windows 10 in 2017 as part of an update and immediately rolled out in an update

Apps to Install on Your New Windows Laptop
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3+ Apps to Install on Your New Windows Laptop

If you have bought a new Windows laptop and are just getting started with it, then you have stumbled on the right blog. When you buy a new laptop, the first thing you need to do is install all the necessary apps on it so you can run it seamlessly.

How To Clean An Lcd Tv Screen
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How to Clean LCD Screen- Here is the PRO Tips

Do you want to know how to clean LCD Screen? Cleaning your electronic device display is not another nature but should be performed periodically. As a committed LCD manufacturer, we would like to ensure our customers are informed on decent cleaning techniques to educate their production facilities and customer base.

Dropbox vs Google Drive
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Dropbox vs Google Drive Comparison Guide

This is the Comparison guide on Dropbox vs Google Drive. In a head-to-head matchup, it’s difficult to place a bet on Google Drive vs Dropbox. Both are excellent cloud storage services with plenty of space and free options for those who don’t need enterprise-level cloud storage. They both offer many

Raid Failure
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Major Factors that cause Raid Failure

RAID, the abbreviation for Redundant Array of Independent Drives or Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, the latter is the less popular and older version, is a technology that is used to enhance the performance and reliability of data storage. The RAID system comprises two or more drives that are working