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According to case studies, business profitability is linked to good OSH

linked to good OSH

When you own a business, profitability matters – after all, it’s what helps you thrive in a highly competitive market. In fact, profit is one of your main goals because if you lack capital, how can you expect to succeed? It’s impossible – failure will be right at the corner, as no business has ever survived for a long time without generating significant profit. But what drives profitability in business? It all comes down to the levels of productivity in your company. At first, it may seem that hiring top talent is key to ensuring great results in your venture, but that’s actually not enough. OSH management also plays a crucial role in how well your company performs. In short, OSH management means implementing health and safety programs and policies to foster safe work environments.

Statistics show that more than 2.78 million people die yearly due to workplace-related accidents or illnesses. This leads to several costs, not only in healthcare but also those resulting from a lack of productivity and decreased output. This is a significant disadvantage for businesses, especially in current economic times where inflation threatens everyone’s financial health. Considering these facts, it’s evident that OSH management can determine a company’s success. Neglecting OSH harms everyone, from individual workers to companies and even national health systems. But on the flip side, implementing roust practices and policies can benefit everyone, resulting in increased productivity, reduced turnover, and decreased healthcare costs. Hence, it’s about time companies took action to create an environment that puts employees’ well-being and health and the forefront. There are different ways to do that, and we’ll discuss them below.

Provide efficient training

Employees should know about workplace safety risks and how to avoid them. But that’s only possible if you provide them with training. Every company has different training needs, so you should choose a course that suits your own workplace environment. If employees don’t use the work equipment correctly, they can put not only their own lives at risk but also their co-workers’. Thus, it’s worth investing in an efficient training program, as this will save you money and help maintain your business reputation in the long term. Remember, prevention is always better, and as a business owner, you must keep your employees safe – because as long as they work in an environment free from hazards, they will help your company thrive.

Assess potential hazards

Some workplaces pose more hazards than others, and it’s important to be alert and prevent them. That means ensuring proper installation and functioning of the equipment. Also, consider checking electric outlets, and remind your team always to use their equipment, and commit to safety practices within the workplace. At the same time, you should encourage them always to report if they identify any issues. That way, you’ll be able to carry out an inspection as quickly as possible and remediate the problem to prevent an accident.

Have a solid safety plan in place

A safety plan is a must for every company, and that’s because it can go a long way in preventing potential accidents. Your plan should be as detailed as possible, include the equipment required for the job, address potential workplace issues, and describe safety procedures. Moreover, there should be marked exits in your business property, and employees should be aware of them. These things can be life-saving, so don’t underestimate their importance.  

Engage your team in the safety plan

While instructing your employees is essential, it may not bring long-term results. So, if you want to create a strong safety culture, you should engage your employees too. Regardless of the work environment, everyone should play their part in maintaining it as safe as possible. With current technological advancement, that is now easier than ever before. For example, you can use software designed to improve workplace safety, such as EHS. Environmental Health and Safety software allows you to monitor government regulatory compliance and manage critical safety data. It also automates workflows in the company and makes reporting and auditing seamless. EHS will enable employees to become involved in the company’s processes, ultimately boosting their morale and productivity.

With software like Capptions, your EHS process will result in considerable time and cost savings and increased profit. Investing in such a tool will offer a great business outcome, helping you succeed in building a positive work environment.  

Promote physical and mental health

A positive workplace culture starts with every employee’s health. Hence, you should encourage your team to prioritize both their physical and mental health. Hazards at the workplace aren’t the only factors that could lead to accidents. If employees deal with a physical or psychological problem, they will have a hard time at work, and their productivity will decrease. Worst case scenario, they may suffer severe injuries. When employees are overworked, they become less aware of their surroundings, which can lead to accidents. To avoid that, you should promote frequent breaks and ensure your team has a work-life balance. Moreover, you can also provide them with physical and mental health resources, letting them know their well-being comes first.

Maintain a clean workspace

Keeping the workplace clean is also vital, so you should discuss this with your team and ensure they avoid clutter. Everyone in the team should clean up when necessary to prevent mess that could pose threats. While employees should take care of their own working space, you can also consider hiring professional cleaning services to keep surfaces clean. They will wipe the areas thoroughly until it’s clean, thus keeping bacteria and viruses away.

Prioritizing safety will boost your business’s profitability

As you can see, building a safe work environment is imperative if you want to keep your business running for a long time. Employees can only be productive if they work in an environment that feels safe to them. Thus, it’s worth putting in the effort and creating the best possible company culture. That way, you’ll keep a strong reputation, ensure employee retention, and avoid experiencing any disruptions that could harm your company’s bottom line.

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I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.

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