How To Check & Add HTML rel=”nofollow” Tag In Specific Link

rel nofolllow tag

Well, there is a lot of robots meta tags are available to tell or guide crawler (bots) what to do on site but the most widely use the tag in the world of SEO is rel=”nofollow” tag

This tag is generally used to tell bots (crawler), “no need to follow this link” means don’t pass any ranking value (link juice) to the page where we link.

add rel follow tag
add rel follow tag

Any blogger who is familiar with the Robots.txt file and No Index No Follow Meta Tag should know the importance of rel=”nofollow” tag. If not, then please take your time and read the post first,

In this article, we will explore the following things,

In a technical context, it is a value that we assign to rel attribute of HTML to instruct the search engine bots that this hyperlink doesn’t contain any ranking value.


  • rel” is stand for “relationship”. means, these attributes help define the relationship a link has with a page that it points to and
  • nofollow tag signals that the page linking out is claiming no endorsement.

In simple words, we use this attribute to tell search engine, no need to pass any page rank ( in SEO we call it link juice ) to other article or media or whatever is it.

By default, all the link on the web is “follow” link ( means s Dofollow link)

For example, if I
a simple link (in coding) it looks like.

<a href="">HiTechWork</a>

If bots come to your site. It follows through the link and passes your 13% Page authority to another page.

but, if I add rel=”nofollow” tag in the hyperlink,

<a href="" rel="nofollow">HiTechWork</a>

Then bots still pass through the link but this time, it does not pass any value.

There has been confusion when it comes to how Google treats nofollow links. So, have a look Matt Cutt Say about it.

Nofollow” provides a way for webmasters to tell search engines “Don’t follow links on this page” or “Don’t follow this specific link.” Originally, the nofollow attribute appeared in the page-level meta tag, and instructed search engines not to follow (i.e., crawl) any outgoing links on the page.

So, now you have an idea how to google treat nofollow link.

Let us move to our next task!

Adding rel=”nofollow” tag is not a hard job, anyone can do this, even non-programmer can do this.

To do this, you have to just add HTML nofollow tag in the link.

you can do this in two ways,

  1. Manually Add Nofollow Links In WordPress
  2. add rel=”nofollow” tag with the plugin

You can use any method but I recommended to use manually because a number of plugins you use on your site produce more load on your site speed.

Making hyperlink is very easy. it is just a 3 step process.

  1. Copy the URL
  2. Highlight the text
  3. paste the URL

But, rel=”nofollow” Tag add an additional step in it.

After making a Hyperlink, click on a text editor in WordPress.



  • You just have to add HTML nofollow tag in the link
  • and after that switch back to Visual Editor.
add rel no follow tag in link
add rel no follow tag in a link

In this way, you can create a link nofollow In WordPress by just adding an HTML nofollow tag.

By Using WordPress Nofollow Plugin

If you are not familiar with the coding then you can use nofollow plugin. There is a lot of Nofollow plugins available for WordPress. You can use Rel Nofollow Checkbox. You can find it in WordPress directory.

  • Install and activate this plugin in WordPress.
  • Now, make a hyperlink and click on setting button.
hyperlink setting
hyperlink setting

When you click on the Setting icon, a new window will be open with rel=”nofollow” tag.

  • Now, select the tag and click on update the link.
add rel nofollow tag with the help of plugin
add rel nofollow tag

Its done, your HTML nofollow tag is now added into the link.

There is a lot of nofollow link checker chrome extension are available to check nofollow links.

I recommended to use nofollow link checker to check the tag on the link. This plugin automatically checks an HTML nofollow link in the Hyperlink and highlight it.

  • Install this chrome extension in the browser and activate it.
  • Now open an article and check nofollow link are highlighted with a red-dotted box.
follow link checker
follow link checker

This link is highlighted due to chrome extension.

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If you have any suggestion or problem about “rel=”nofollow tag” then please feel free to comment below.

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Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.

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