AI Deepfake: The Future Of Technology

AI Deepfake

Are Deepfake attacks creating trust issues about media in you? AI Deepfake is usually known for its negative use as creating fake scandals and spreading them around the media. It is the Photoshop of the 21st century that uses deep learning a form of artificial intelligence to create images of fake events. Artificial intelligence is evolving around us everywhere.

What is AI Deepfake

AI deepfakes is a technology used to create artificial videos, audio, and images that could be hard to differentiate from the real ones. The word Deepfake itself describes the connection between deep learning and fake, as it is also the portmanteau of these two words. Deepfake produces bogus content and it can change the source content to represent it in a form that doesn’t even ever exist.

Deepfakes could be more dangerous because of their ability to circulate false information that can appear as the original content as it comes from reliable authorities and sources. It can cause serious threats to the object or the subject in the same sense as affecting the reputation for the act they haven’t participated in.

 It also does have appropriate uses including auto-responses which could be used in customer support, sites, or applications. Entertainment such as video games audio and funny content could be generated easily with the support of AI deepfake.

What is AI Deepfake

How to Create Deepfake?

Machine learning is the brain of Deepfake that allows it to work on a friendly budget with rapid processing. A deep fake user needs to focus on every aspect and angle of the person to make the fake content look more realistic and give proper understanding to the viewer. The creator site will be attached with graphics of the computer to impose different pictures of persons onto one another to make them look realistic.

AI deepfake enhances many procedures and makes them process faster whereas this procedure takes time to produce a result that could be believable for creating the fictional situation. The creator should also keep the checks and balances manually to avoid errors and to fix the errors before the content gets published.

Users usually think that deep learning algorithms are known as GAN (generative adversarial networks) and this could be the main network or engine for the development of deepfakes in the future. However, it can not deal with low amounts of data as it is hard to work with. GAN models took a longer time to generate the required image as compared to other deepfake techniques. The GAN model could perform well in synthesizing pictures. Aligning the same picture from one frame to another could be a hard task for it. Even the perfect audio deepfakes do not use GAN.

Create Deepfake

How Does AI DeepFake Work

Deepfakes are created by the use of specific algorithms to modify existing images and new images. It can recognize, manipulate, and create facial features according to the video with the help of machine learning.  It consists of two algorithms, a generator, and a discriminator to give the finest form of fake content. The generator helps in creating the basic fake content as it compiles the data to produce the desired output. The discriminator spots the flaws and examines the results of the generator. This process will be repeated until the content is improved and looks realistic.   

GAN is a mixture of generator and discriminator algorithms that uses deep learning to understand the pattern of real images to produce realistic fakes. GAN analyzes every movement, speech, and behavior from different aspects to produce a fine video output. Discriminator uses the information multiple times to produce an accurate fake result.

Deefake video is an AI fine-generating video pattern that could be of two types.  AI Deepfake videos can use the source video in which the person made to say the words and plays the actions they were never supposed to exist. The other video-generating way is by swapping the faces of different individuals. This has nothing to do with editing or Photoshop. Lip syncing is also the pattern commonly used in deepfakes. 

AI DeepFake Work

How are Deepfakes Commonly Used?

AI Deepfakes are being used commonly in present times with both negative and positive aspects including the following.

  • Education: the platforms providing education services through creating technologies like AI tutors. Like Claude, other chatbots can answer and solve the students’ queries.  
  • Texting: text messages could be the future of deepfake as scammers can use deepfake technology to clone user’s style of texting.
  • Fake evidence: Create false images and audio that could become evidence in legal cases.
  • Responsive service and customer support: AI Deepfakes could be used for the auto-responses that involve the forwarding of a call as deepfake can produce required responses. It can also use fake voices to complete simple tasks including getting complaints or used for the details of banking and others.
  • Art: New music and art could be generated through the deepfake by the use of their existing artworks. For eg: Late Paul Walker the Hollywood actor appeared in Fast and Furious through deepfake.
  • Blackmailing and affecting reputation: Blackmailing through AI deepfake is part of cyberbullying. It could be possible if someone wants to take revenge or ruin anyone’s reputation. The common blackmailing in this deepfake is revenge porn.

Also, there are many other appropriate and inappropriate uses of deepfake depending on the users and their purposes.


Q. How deepfake could be involved in fraud activities?
AI Deepfake clones personally identifiable information including card numbers to play fraud activities. It Includes fake employees who are just working to get the private information of the company.

Q. Are Deepfakes are legal?
Deep fakes are legal but could be used for illegal activities that are against the rules and regulations of a particular state.

Q. How to spot Deepfakes?
Noticing the unnatural eye movements, fingers, hand placements, differences in accessories and unnatural facial expressions could help you spot the deepfakes. 

Wrap Up

Artificial intelligence has enhanced the world by making its affective impact in so many ways including entertainment, education, health, job displacements, privacy, and others. Furthermore, AI was having its inappropriate uses which were not prominent before AI deepfake.