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8 Telltale Signs Your Website Needs a Revamp

Website Needs a Revamp

Revamping a website requires considerable time and effort, which is why many business owners hesitate to face the daunting task of making site-wide improvements. Unfortunately, a reluctance to change may come at a huge cost. Without you knowing it, your website’s outdated design might significantly limit your business’s revenues and conversions.

Your business’s home industry, the market you serve, and the technology that you use to enact your day-to-day operations are ever-evolving. In the age of the digital economy, there’s no question that you need to keep your website up-to-date and relevant so that you can properly meet the needs of your target audience.

If your conversation rates are down and your bounce rates are skyrocketing, it’s time to consider a website revamp and invest in web design services. Below are the telltale signs that you should revamp your website, and why heeding these signs will ultimately benefit your business.

Your Website Is Not Search Engine Optimized

Are your pages faring poorly in search engine rankings? If so, it might be time to revamp your website and rethink your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. A website with poor SEO will not appear in search results for relevant keywords and will net lower conversions and fewer visitors as a consequence.

Revamping your website to enhance your SEO may mean implementing the latest SEO trends to align with algorithm changes, revisiting your keyword research, page titles, and meta descriptions, or rethinking your backlinking strategy. The fact remains: you need to pay attention to the relationship of your web design and your SEO, and you and your web design partner must regularly assess what needs to be done to get your business favorable rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

And you should know how much SEO plays a key role in making a brand more recognizable on the web. Learn here!

Your Market or Industry Has Changed

To ensure that your website is still effective at reaching potential customers, its design must be aligned with the changes in your market, consumer behavior, and industry. Conducting regular market research will help you stay informed about changes in emerging technologies, consumer behavior, and other factors that may impact your business. Your website should then be able to reflect these changes through its content, navigation, user experience (UX), and other facets.

Your Website Is Slow and Clunky

Has your website become slow, laggy, or clunky? You could be seriously damaging your business’s revenue prospects by not considering a website revamp. Slow loading speeds can quickly drive away impatient visitors, and the numbers can prove it. In a 2019 survey by Unbounce, around 70 percent of consumers said that a page’s speed influences their willingness to purchase from an online retailer.

A fast-loading website is vital for maximizing business potential and retaining users, especially in today’s fast-paced digital world. If needed, be quick to make major improvements to your website’s loading speed.

Your Visuals Are Outdated

Today’s users are more discerning with regard to website design and aesthetics, and having outdated visuals can harm your company’s credibility. Old and unappealing websites may suffer from loss of engagement and low conversions. In fact, nearly half of consumers make decisions based on website aesthetics, while over a third will stop engaging with your business if your layout or content is unattractive. If it doesn’t seem like you’re attracting new users to your website, see if the problem can be traced to your visuals and invest in revamping its aesthetic.

Your Website Is Not Mobile-Friendly

With mobile devices accounting for over 50 percent of all internet traffic, there’s no doubt that websites that are not mobile-friendly or mobile-responsive will miss out on significant revenues to be had from potential customers.

If you haven’t considered mobile-friendliness in your website design, a revamp is definitely due. Revamp your website to be mobile-friendly to gadgets like smartphones and tablets, and ensure that it sports a responsive design that easily adapts to the screen size of the device it’s being viewed from.

Your Website Is Not User-Friendly

User-friendliness is essential in providing a good web experience for visitors. If visitors find it difficult to locate the information they need or think that navigating your website is a challenge, they may leave your website and never return. Confusing navigation, slow load times, and broken links are some of the most common indicators that a website is not user-friendly. If you can perceive such issues on your website, you should pursue a revamp and make major changes to your website’s UX.

You Have High Bounce Rates

A high bounce rate means plenty of users are leaving your website quickly without performing any desired actions. This, in turn, may indicate that your website is not functioning effectively. Various factors—including slow load times, absence of mobile-friendliness, low-quality content, and difficult navigation—can induce high bounce rates. Web design services that revamp your website can help you identify and address these issues.

Reducing your bounce rate is key to the success of your online business, as it will lead to better search engine rankings and an increase in conversion rates. Get your web designer to help you diagnose the problem and nip your bounce rates in the bud.

Your Website Is Not Secure

The rise of cyber threats has made website security more crucial a concern than ever. Websites that are unprepared to handle attacks like malware, phishing, and hacking risk being identified as security threats by browsers. Security issues could also put your customers at risk for identity theft and fraud, causing your business reputation to suffer.

Revamping your website for more robust security includes ensuring all plugins and software are secure and up-to-date, as well as implementing SSL certificates. Make the necessary interventions before security issues tank your rankings and your revenue prospects.

Revamping your website may be the intervention you need to cope with the ever-changing digital landscape. At worst, neglecting the signs listed above may result in lower revenues, reduced conversions, and an unsalvageable business reputation. Though a revamp is a tedious and costly process, it’s a necessary investment for building your website’s value in the long run. Make the change as soon as you need to, and partner up with a web design agency that will help you clear your business goals.

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hitech work

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.

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